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  • TechSoup Europe

    believes in the power of civil society and supports civil society organisations to use the best technology for social change. TechSoup Europe is a network of 23 civil society organisations working in 48 countries in Europe and powering up social impact serving 512,000 local nonprofits.

    TechSoup Europe helps grass-roots, small, local organisations and nonprofits in Europe with capacity building, civic engagement, social innovation, and  digital inclusion. Through collaboration and partnership, it breathes life to the  social side of technology and connects unlikely collaborators, such as social activists, hackers, designers, government, local authorities and business partners to generate innovative solutions to social challenges.

    TechSoup Europe is a part of the TechSoup Global Network which connects 1,200,000 nonprofits and delivers more than US$10 billion in technology tools and philanthropic services from over 90 corporate and foundation partners all over the world for the last 30 years. After 30 years, TechSoup still believes that changemakers all over the world need access to technology, knowledge, and tools to help them accomplish their mission and work to make it happen.

W partnerstwie z

  • NIOK Foundation

    The non-profit NIOK Foundation has been working and developing its programmes, in order to support the Hungarian civil society in becoming more resilient, more relevant, stronger and more visible thanks to the work of the non-profit organizations. Consequently, we provide specialized services and capacity building initiatives to NGOs, thus contributing to improving their efficiency and credibility, as well as strengthening the relationships between the civil sector and a society as a whole. NIOK has developed and continues to operate one of the first and most popular fundraising platforms in Hungary. It provides not only crowdfunding, or other tools such as the matchfunding campaigns, but also text- or call-to donate systems, which are widely available for NGOs. 

    We have also created and are in fully engaged in the activities of web portal for non-profits, where we share updates on calls for proposals, legislative changes, civil society events, as well as on training and networking opportunities. We have foreseen the portal to serve as a knowledge base, with up-to-date content on a variety of topics relevant to non-profits. As a partner of the TechSoup Global Network, NIOK continues to equip non-profits with transformative technology products and services.  

    On top of that, NIOK Foundation provides intensive mentoring and consultancy support for NGOs via its internal and external experts. We focus mainly on the areas of communications and fundraising in the framework of relevant programmes, as well as on the provision of training courses and networking opportunities. 
    In order to raise awareness about the unique and innovative non-profit initiatives, NIOK has established the Civil Society Awards. Each year, they are being handed out in eight different categories, to programmes and civil society initiatives which have achieved the exceptional impact. 


    MAKAIA is a non-profit organization created and based in Colombia that strengthens capacities for social development through technology, innovation and international cooperation, with the vision that every person and organization have the information and knowledge to transform themselves and their communities. MAKAIA has two action lines through which already reaches civil society organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean:
    - International Cooperation and Partnerships: We improve the capacities of social organizations and projects to mobilize national and international human, financial and information resources.
    - Technology for Social Change: We improve the living conditions of people and communities as well as the capacities of social organizations through the use and adoption of technology, digital contents and applications.

    With our projects and programs we reached 22 departments of Colombia and have presence in other 13 countries of Latin America benefiting 20.167 organizations, 62.815 people and sensitizing 238.550 more, with a social investment of 1.25.​

    To achieve the use and technology adoption, we have a model through which a person starts with needs for social, economic and cultural development and through sensibilization, training and self-study processes, reaches a state of ICT appropriation which can be applied immediately.​ With this methodology we have reached and improved digital skills of educational institutions, libraries, civil society organizations and community-based organizations and also have trained on ITC knowledge boys, girls, youth, women, men, elderly people, indigenous, people with disabilities, farmers, among others. 

    Since 2019, we implement a project to train children and young people in a set of life skills that allow them to use internet in a responsible, safe and creative way.​
  • West Africa Civil Society Institute

    The West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) was established by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) in 2005 to reinforce the capacities of civil society in the sub-region. The Institute became operational in July 2007. WACSI envisions a peaceful and prosperous West Africa where development is driven by its people.

    WACSI’s mission is to strengthen civil society in West Africa to be responsive, collaborative, representative, resilient, and influential through knowledge sharing, learning, connecting, and influencing.

    Since the institute became operational in 2007, it has responded significantly to the prevailing dearth of skills and capacity within civil society in West Africa through a three-pronged intervention strategy: Capacity Development; Knowledge Management; and Policy Influencing and Advocacy. The institute designs and delivers customised trainings and technical assistance programmes that respond to performance gaps within the CSO sector.

    The Institute consistently receives referrals from partners and development stakeholders that are familiar with its work across and beyond West Africa. Some of the courses the Institute regularly delivers, include; governance and leadership, proposal writing, project management, financial management and grants reporting, results-based monitoring and evaluation, communicating impact, community mobilisation, local fundraising and resource mobilisation, social accountability, policy research and analysis, policy advocacy and engagement, networking and alliance building, and civil society sustainability, among others. WACSI designs and adopts innovative frameworks and approaches that support operational and institutional standards of civil society that promote leadership, diversity, excellence, ethics, non-discrimination and people-centred values.

    Since inception, the Institute continues to work with the civil society community to constantly respond to the complex development needs and evolving environment through engagement with the sector and partnerships with various institutions. WACSI remains a thought leader, a go-to knowledge hub and indigenous resource for civil society and development in West Africa, through knowledge curation, sharing, impartation, and policy influencing. Four main thematic areas of interest catalyse the engagement of the Institute during the ongoing and third strategic cycle (2018-2022), including Civil Society Sustainability, Enabling Environment, Technology for Development, and Women and Youth Development.
  • GURT Resource Center

    Is an innovative accelerator of democratic transformations. Since 1995, we have been committed to better Ukraine developing and utilizing the potential of changemakers.  

    GURT strives for conscious and successful Ukraine where civil society, business, and government collaboratively ensure dignity, confidence, and trust among citizens at local and national levels. 

    GURT accelerates the Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine being an effective implementing agency of innovative projects and serving changemakers to develop their capacity and maximize their impact.

    Our strategic priorities:  
    • Re-Forming Ukraine through facilitation and implementation of collaborative initiatives of civil society, business, and government 
    • Building Capacity of Changemakers through digitalization, cutting edge training programs, and customized services 
    • Strengthening the Foundation for Civil Society through small business development, empowerment of local communities, and volunteerism promotion.

    GURT’s entrepreneurial spirit and can-do attitude are why we able to produce outstanding results disregarding different obstacles.
  • Phambano Technology Development Centre NPC

    is a purpose driven organisation, fast becoming known as the go to solution for technology capacity building in civil society organisations across Southern Africa. 
    Our technology development initiatives allow us to provide once off or ongoing support to organisations in need. 

    The range of services offered by Phambano Technology Development Centre aim to increase the skills and capacity of organisations across Southern Africa, empowering organisations to reach more beneficiaries at a local and global level.
    These include Digital Skills Workshops, an eSafety Programme, Technology Development training and information events as well as a Website Development service offering. 

    Phambano is the Southern Africa Partner of the TechSoup Global Network in 10 countries. 
  • Funky Citizens

    is a Romanian NGO founded in 2012, working to promote human rights, sustainable development and social and individual responsibility through active citizenship, civic and cultural education, both through its own activities and by supporting similar initiatives in their endeavour. Funky Citizens is the meeting place of citizens that aren’t happy with maintaining the status quo—but want to assume their full role as civically fit and involved citizens in a democratic state. Throughout the years the organization, versed in data-based advocacy, communication and civic education remained focused on the needs of its public and the political and social reality. Funky Citizens implemented various educational and advocacy projects, building on the expertise of its members in fields such as public budgets, public administration, the justice system and civic education, continuously promoting transparency, integrity and civic participation.

    The main drive of Funky Citizens is to have efficient and accountable institutions that manage their budgets and actions with transparency. The organization collaborates with investigative journalists, given its expertise on topics such as the judiciary, public administration and public budgets. Funky Citizens is part of different international coalitions such as the International Budget Partnership and TransparenCEE.

    Starting in 2014, Funk Citizens created and fostered the only political fact-checking platform in Romania. Responding to an ever growing interest in local politics, spendings and insights, was also launched in 2019, a local data journalism project dedicated mainly to the citizens of Bucharest.
  • PDCS (Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia)

    is a non-governmental organization providing professional training and facilitation services, consultancy and advisory services in areas of conflict resolution, support of dialogue in the society, citizen participation and civil society development in Slovakia and abroad. They are the initiators of the European Network for Non-Violence and Dialogue (ENND), a grassroots network established to counter polarizing trends in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • VIA Association (Sdružení VIA)

    is a Czech NGO and its mission is to make technology and associated knowledge accessible to other NGOs in the Czech Republic. Activities and projects are oriented on practical use of IT tools in day to day operations along with advocating and growing NGO capacity.

    The VIA Association was founded in 2005 as a service oriented sister organisation of the Via Foundation. The Via Foundation focuses on the development of civil society, projects aimed at improving non-profit organisations, philanthropy and local donations, deepening people’s participation in public life, and professionalisation of non-profit organisations.

    The VIA Association and Via Foundation together operate an online fundraising tool called VIA Association and Via Foundation also cooperate on providing IT educational workshops and other events for non-profits. Furthermore, VIA Association offers consultations and workshops in online fundraising and e-mail marketing for NGOs.
  • Metamorphosis Foundation

    is an independent organization working in North Macedonia and its wider European home to strengthen the awareness and capacity of citizens and civil society to assume their fullest possible role as activists for democracy while supporting the government to fulfil its democratic role in serving society. As a key partner with citizens and institutions, it advocates for this work, by serving as a leading national and regional advocate for citizen engagement and government accountability with a particular emphasis on the use of information technology and knowledge-sharing.

    As freedom of expression began backsliding in North Macedonia after 2008, Metamorphosis countered the prevailing spiral of silence by establishing/supporting credible online media outlets ( News Agency, News Portal and the political fact-checking website and creating a space for public discourse, which continue to flourish and to contribute to the diversity and quality of the media ecosystem to date. Hand in hand with the regular news and educational content of the media outlets, Metamorphosis works toward increasing media literacy; recognizing and combating disinformation; combating hate-speech as well as protection of privacy and cyber security. Most recently, Metamorphosis together with 8 other CSOs from five countries of the region founded the Anti-Disinformation Network for the Balkans (ADN-Balkans) in April 2020 to form a wide front on countering disinformation. Metamorphosis’ work is enhanced through its engagement in multiple other international civil society networks as IFEX, APC, EDRI, Global Voices, Creative Commons, ACTION SEE, TransparenCEE and the Internet Freedom Platform of Eastern and Central Europe and Eurasia.
  • Civic Resilience Initiative (CRI)

  • Baltic Centre for Media Excellence (BCME)

    Baltic Centre for Media Excellence to centrum inteligentnego dziennikarstwa w krajach bałtyckich, krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego i poza nimi.

    Naszą misją jest promowanie rozwoju zawodowego, inteligencji medialnej i krytycznego myślenia oraz dążenie do pozytywnych zmian w dziennikarstwie i społecznościach, którym służy. Ważną częścią działań BCME jest również umiejętność korzystania z mediów i informacji (MIL).

    Prowadzimy oparte na potrzebach szkolenia medialne dla redakcji niezależnych mediów ogólnokrajowych i lokalnych, zbieramy informacje na temat regionalnych trendów i umiejętności medialnych, a także badamy odbiorców mediów, koncentrując się na tych najbardziej podatnych na przekazy propagandowe. Centrum intensywnie współpracuje z uczniami i studentami w celu zapewnienia im umiejętności MIL. Działania BCME w zakresie umiejętności korzystania z mediów są dostosowane do różnych segmentów odbiorców mediów, w tym grup najbardziej narażonych na dezinformację i przekazy propagandowe, takich jak rosyjskojęzyczni odbiorcy.

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